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со всех языков на английский

to go stiff with terror

  • 1 stiff

    stiff [stɪf]
    (a) (rigid) raide, rigide;
    stiff paper/cardboard papier/carton rigide;
    a stiff brush une brosse à poils durs;
    to be stiff with terror être glacé de terreur
    as stiff as a poker raide comme un piquet;
    to keep a stiff upper lip garder son flegme
    (b) (thick, difficult to stir) ferme, consistant;
    beat the mixture until it is stiff battez jusqu'à obtention d'une pâte consistante;
    beat the eggwhites until stiff battre les blancs en neige jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient (bien) fermes
    this door handle is very stiff cette poignée de porte est très dure;
    the drawers have got a bit stiff les tiroirs sont devenus un peu durs à ouvrir
    (d) (aching) courbaturé, raide;
    I'm still stiff after playing squash the other day j'ai encore des courbatures d'avoir joué au squash l'autre jour;
    to have a stiff back avoir mal au dos;
    to have a stiff neck avoir un ou le torticolis
    (e) (over-formal → smile, welcome) froid; (→ person, manners, behaviour) froid, guindé; (→ style) guindé
    (f) (difficult) dur, ardu;
    to face stiff competition avoir affaire à forte concurrence;
    it will be a stiff match la partie sera dure;
    competition for university places is getting stiffer la compétition pour les places à l'université devient de plus en plus acharnée
    (g) (severe) sévère;
    a stiff sentence une condamnation sévère, une lourde condamnation;
    I sent them a stiff letter je leur ai envoyé une lettre bien sentie
    (h) (strong → breeze, drink) fort;
    you need a stiff drink tu as besoin d'un remontant;
    she poured herself a stiff whisky elle s'est versé un whisky bien tassé
    (i) (high → price, bill) élevé
    (j) (determined → resistance, opposition) tenace, acharné; (→ resolve) ferme, inébranlable
    (k) British familiar (full) plein (à craquer);
    the place was stiff with men in suits l'endroit était plein de mecs en costume
    (l) American familiar (drunk) bourré, rond, beurré
    familiar to be bored stiff mourir d'ennui ;
    to be worried/scared stiff être mort d'inquiétude/de peur;
    I was frozen stiff j'étais frigorifié
    3 noun
    (a) familiar (corpse) macchabée m
    to have a stiff bander

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > stiff

  • 2 stiff

    1) (rigid) steif; hart [Bürste, Stock]

    be frozen stiff — steif vor Kälte sein; [Wäsche, Körper[teile]:] steif gefroren sein

    2) (intense, severe) hartnäckig; schroff [Absage]; kräftig [Standpauke]
    3) (formal) steif; förmlich [Brief, Stil]
    4) (difficult) hart [Test]; schwer [Frage, Prüfung]; steil [Abstieg, Anstieg]

    be stiff going(fig. coll.) harte Arbeit sein

    5) stark, (Seemannsspr.) steif [Wind, Brise]
    6) (not bending, not working freely, aching) steif [Gelenk, Gliedmaßen, Nacken, Person]; schwergängig [Angel, Kolben, Gelenk]
    7) (coll.): (excessive) saftig (ugs.) [Preis, Strafe]
    8) (strong) steif (ugs.) [Drink]; stark [Dosis, Medizin]
    9) (thick) zäh[flüssig]
    10) (coll.)

    be bored/scared/worried stiff — sich zu Tode langweilen/eine wahnsinnige Angst haben (ugs.) /sich (Dat.) furchtbare (ugs.) Sorgen machen

    * * *
    1) (rigid or firm, and not easily bent, folded etc: He has walked with a stiff leg since he injured his knee; stiff cardboard.) steif
    2) (moving, or moved, with difficulty, pain etc: I can't turn the key - the lock is stiff; I woke up with a stiff neck; I felt stiff the day after the climb.) steif
    3) ((of a cooking mixture etc) thick, and not flowing: a stiff dough.) zäh
    4) (difficult to do: a stiff examination.) schwierig
    5) (strong: a stiff breeze.) steif
    6) ((of a person or his manner etc) formal and unfriendly: I received a stiff note from the bank manager.) steif
    - academic.ru/92115/stiffly">stiffly
    - stiffness
    - stiffen
    - stiffening
    - bore
    - scare stiff
    * * *
    I. n
    1. ( fam: corpse) Leiche f
    2. AM ( fig: conventional person) Langweiler(in) m(f)
    working \stiff Prolet m pej
    3. AM ( fam: person)
    you lucky \stiff! du Glückspilz! fam
    II. adj
    1. (rigid) steif ( with vor + dat); paper, lid fest
    his clothes were \stiff with dried mud seine Kleidung starrte vor angetrocknetem Schmutz
    the handle on this door is rather \stiff der Türgriff lässt sich schlecht bewegen
    to be [as] \stiff as a board [or poker] steif wie ein Brett sein
    \stiff brush harte Bürste
    \stiff cardboard fester Karton
    \stiff collar steifer Kragen
    2. (sore) neck, joints steif; muscles hart
    3. (dense) paste dick; batter, mixture, dough fest
    4. (formal, reserved) manner steif; letter unpersönlich, förmlich; (forced) smile gezwungen
    to keep a \stiff upper lip Haltung bewahren
    come on Richard, keep a \stiff upper lip komm, Richard, lass dir nichts anmerken
    5. (strong) opposition stark; penalty, punishment hart, schwer; wind stark, heftig
    \stiff brandy starker Weinbrand
    \stiff breeze steife Brise
    \stiff challenge große Herausforderung
    \stiff criticism herbe Kritik
    \stiff competition harter Wettbewerb
    \stiff drink harter Drink
    \stiff resistance erbitterter Widerstand
    a \stiff right/left BOXING eine harte Rechte/Linke
    6. (high) [extrem] hoch
    \stiff cuts einschneidende Kürzungen
    \stiff fee/tax überzogene Gebühr/Steuer
    \stiff price Wucherpreis m pej, gesalzener Preis fam
    7. (difficult) question schwer, schwierig
    \stiff climb/work-out anstrengende Klettertour/anstrengendes Fitnesstraining
    \stiff test SCH schwere Prüfung; TECH harter Test
    III. adv inv zu Tode fam
    I got frozen \stiff waiting at the bus stop ich wäre fast erfroren, als ich an der Bushaltestelle wartete
    I've been worried \stiff ich habe mir wahnsinnige Sorgen gemacht
    to be scared \stiff zu Tode erschrocken sein
    IV. vt AM ( fam)
    1. (cheat)
    to be \stiffed betrogen werden
    2. (not tip)
    to \stiff a porter/taxi driver/waiter einem Gepäckträger/Taxifahrer/Kellner kein Trinkgeld geben
    3. (snub)
    to \stiff sb jdn schneiden fam
    4. (kill)
    to \stiff sb jdn kaltmachen sl
    V. vi film, TV programme ein Misserfolg m sein, floppen
    * * *
    1. adj (+er)
    1) steif; corpse starr, steif; brush, bristles hart; dough, paste fest
    2) resistance, drink, dose stark; fight zäh, hart; sentence, challenge, competition hart; opposition stark, heftig; breeze steif; climb, test schwierig; examination, task schwer, schwierig; penalty, punishment schwer; price, demand hoch
    3) door, lock, drawer klemmend

    to be stiff with cold —

    to go stiff with terrorin Angststarre verfallen

    to be ( as) stiff as a board or poker — steif wie ein Brett sein

    5) smile kühl; bow, person, manner, atmosphere steif
    2. adv
    3. n (inf)
    Leiche f
    * * *
    stiff [stıf]
    A adj (adv stiffly)
    1. a) allg steif (Hals, Kragen etc), starr (Gesicht etc): lip A 1
    b) TECH schwer gängig (Gang, Schraube)
    2. zäh, dick, steif (Teig etc):
    a stiffly whipped egg white ein steif geschlagenes Eiweiß; whisk B 4
    3. steif (Brise), stark (Wind, Strömung)
    4. a) stark (alkoholische Getränke), besonders steif (Grog)
    b) stark (Medizin)
    5. fig starr(köpfig) (Person)
    6. fig
    a) hart (Gegner etc)
    b) scharf (Konkurrenz etc)
    c) hartnäckig, verbissen (Kampf, Widerstand etc)
    7. schwierig, hart (Aufgabe etc)
    8. hart (Strafe)
    9. WIRTSCH
    a) stabil, fest:
    a stiff market eine stabile Marktlage
    b) überhöht (Preise)
    10. steif, förmlich (Atmosphäre etc)
    11. a) steif, linkisch (Person)
    b) starr, schematisch (Stil etc)
    12. umg unglaublich:
    a bit stiff ziemlich stark, allerhand
    13. umg zu Tode (gelangweilt, erschrocken): bore2 B 1, scare A 1
    14. sl blau, besoffen
    B s sl
    1. Leiche f
    2. chancenloses Pferd
    3. a) allg Kerl m:
    poor stiff armes Schwein umg
    b) steifer oder linkischer Kerl
    c) Besoffene(r) m/f(m)
    d) Tippelbruder m oft hum
    4. a) gefälschter Scheck
    b) Wechsel m
    c) ( besonders heimlicher oder geschmuggelter) Brief, (im Gefängnis) Kassiber m
    C v/t sl
    1. einem Kellner etc kein Trinkgeld geben
    2. jemanden bescheißen umg ( out of um)
    * * *
    1) (rigid) steif; hart [Bürste, Stock]

    be frozen stiff — steif vor Kälte sein; [Wäsche, Körper[teile]:] steif gefroren sein

    2) (intense, severe) hartnäckig; schroff [Absage]; kräftig [Standpauke]
    3) (formal) steif; förmlich [Brief, Stil]
    4) (difficult) hart [Test]; schwer [Frage, Prüfung]; steil [Abstieg, Anstieg]

    be stiff going(fig. coll.) harte Arbeit sein

    5) stark, (Seemannsspr.) steif [Wind, Brise]
    6) (not bending, not working freely, aching) steif [Gelenk, Gliedmaßen, Nacken, Person]; schwergängig [Angel, Kolben, Gelenk]
    7) (coll.): (excessive) saftig (ugs.) [Preis, Strafe]
    8) (strong) steif (ugs.) [Drink]; stark [Dosis, Medizin]
    9) (thick) zäh[flüssig]
    10) (coll.)

    be bored/scared/worried stiff — sich zu Tode langweilen/eine wahnsinnige Angst haben (ugs.) /sich (Dat.) furchtbare (ugs.) Sorgen machen

    * * *
    steif adj.

    English-german dictionary > stiff

  • 3 stiff

    I. 1. твърд, корав, нееластичен, колосан, плътен, гъст
    2. вдървен, вкочанен, вцепенен, схванат (за крак, врат и пр.)
    to have a STIFF leg/back схванал ми се е кракът/гъpбът
    to feel STIFF after a long walk схванал съм се от дълго ходене
    3. твърд, стабилен, устойчив (за пазар, цени и пр.)
    4. остър, твърд (за косъм)
    5. който не се движи свободно/заяжда/запъва/се закучва (за брава и пр.)
    6. твърд, решителен, категоричен, непреклонен, непоколебим, неотстъпчив, рязък, упорит
    to keep/carry a STIFF upper lip проявявам твърдост, не падам духом, не се оплаквам
    7. скован, принуден, неестествен, дървен, хладен, резервиран, високомерен, надменен, надут, нелюбезен, важен, тежък, скован (за израз), ъгловат (за почерк)
    8. мъчен, тежък, труден
    a STIFF climb уморително изкачване
    a STIFF slope стръмен склон
    9. силен (за вятър, питие и пр.)
    10. ожесточен (за сражение)
    11. гъст, лепкав (за глина и пр.)
    STIFF dough сбито тесто
    12. суров, строг, тежък (за наказание и пр.)
    13. прекомерно висок (за цена)
    14. STIFF with sl. пълен с
    15. predic напълно, безкрайно, прекалено, извънредно
    she was bored/scared STIFF тя беше страшно отегчена/уплашена
    that's a bit STIFF! разг. това е малко прекалено/несправедливо! (as) STIFF as a poker/ramrod/buckram като глътнал бастун
    II. 1. книжни пари
    2. труп
    3. (big) STIFF непоправим глупак
    * * *
    {stif} а 1. твърд, корав, нееластичен; колосан; плътен, гъст; 2(2) {stif} n sl. 1. книжни пари, 2. труп; 3. (big) stiff непоправим
    * * *
    ъгловат; солен; схванат; твърд; скован; решителен; резервиран; ожесточен; високомерен; вдървен; вкочанен; гъст; категоричен; лепкав; колосан; неестествен; нееластичен; надут;
    * * *
    1. (big) stiff непоправим глупак 2. 1 predic напълно, безкрайно, прекалено, извънредно 3. 1 stiff with sl. пълен с 4. 1 гъст, лепкав (за глина и пр.) 5. 1 прекомерно висок (за цена) 6. 1 суров, строг, тежък (за наказание и пр.) 7. a stiff climb уморително изкачване 8. a stiff slope стръмен склон 9. i. твърд, корав, нееластичен, колосан, плътен, гъст 10. ii. книжни пари 11. she was bored/scared stiff тя беше страшно отегчена/уплашена 12. stiff dough сбито тесто 13. that's a bit stiff! разг. това е малко прекалено/несправедливо! (as) stiff as a poker/ramrod/buckram като глътнал бастун 14. to feel stiff after a long walk схванал съм се от дълго ходене 15. to have a stiff leg/back схванал ми се е кракът/гъpбът 16. to keep/carry a stiff upper lip проявявам твърдост, не падам духом, не се оплаквам 17. вдървен, вкочанен, вцепенен, схванат (за крак, врат и пр.) 18. който не се движи свободно/заяжда/запъва/се закучва (за брава и пр.) 19. мъчен, тежък, труден 20. ожесточен (за сражение) 21. остър, твърд (за косъм) 22. силен (за вятър, питие и пр.) 23. скован, принуден, неестествен, дървен, хладен, резервиран, високомерен, надменен, надут, нелюбезен, важен, тежък, скован (за израз), ъгловат (за почерк) 24. твърд, решителен, категоричен, непреклонен, непоколебим, неотстъпчив, рязък, упорит 25. твърд, стабилен, устойчив (за пазар, цени и пр.) 26. труп
    * * *
    stiff [stif] I. adj 1. корав, твърд, нееластичен; плътен, гъст; остър (за брада); вдървен, вкочанен, схванат; колосан; \stiff shoes корави обувки; \stiff shirtfront колосана риза; \stiff arm схваната ръка; \stiff drink силно питие; питие с високо съдържание на алкохол; \stiff with cold който се е схванал от студ; to get \stiff схващам се; to feel \stiff чувствам болка по цялото си тяло; I went \stiff with terror изтръпнах от ужас; \stiff hair остра коса; \stiff market фин. твърди цени; to make \stiff сковавам (за лед); 2. който не се движи свободно (заяжда, запъва, закучва се); твърд (за перо и пр.); \stiff lock ключалка, която заяжда; 3. твърд, решителен, категоричен, непреклонен, непоколебим, неотстъпчив, упорит, инат, твърдоглав; \stiff denial решителен отказ; твърдо "не"; to keep a \stiff upper lip проявявам твърдост (мъжественост), не падам духом; 4. скован, схванат, вдървен, принуден, неестествен, дървен; официален, резервиран, студен; високомерен, надменен, надут, важен; тежък, спънат (за израз); ъглест, остър, ъгловат (за почерк); \stiff bow студен поклон; 5. мъчен, тежък, труден; \stiff examination труден изпит; \stiff slope стръмен склон; 6. режещ, силен (за вятър, питие); 7. ожесточен (за сражение); to put up a \stiff resistance съпротивлявам се ожесточено; 8. гъст, лепкав; \stiff dough клисаво тесто; 9. sl несправедлив; много висок, "безбожен" (за цена); that's a bit \stiff! разг. това не е справедливо! to be \stiff with sl омръзва ми да..., "писва ми" да, до гуша ми идва от...; to be bored ( scared) \stiff отегчен, уплашен съм до смърт; FONT face=Times_Deutsch◊ adv stiffly; II. n sl 1. книжни пари; 2. разг., ам. труп; 3. sl (и big \stiff) провал, неуспех; (безнадеждно) непоправим човек; неудачник.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > stiff

  • 4 stiff

    [stif] a կոշտ, կարծր, պինդ. stiff cardboard պինդ ստվարաթուղթ. a stiff collar կոշտ օձիք. stiff lock դժվար բացվող կողպեք. (փայ տացած, քարացած) have a stiff neck/back չթեքվող/փայտացած վիզ/մեջք. feel stiff ամբողջ մարմինը ցավել/ջարդվել. stiff with cold/terror ցրտից /վախից քարացած. stiff dough պինդ խմոր. stiff drink թունդ խմիչք. keep a stiff upper lip փխբ. սառնասրտություն/տոկունություն պահ պանել. փխբ. օգտ. have a stiff manner զուսպ/պաշտոնական դիրք բռնել. a stiff climb/exam դժվար վերելք/քննություն. stiff resistance համառ դիմադրություն. stiff price բարձր գին. bored stiff խսկց. ահավոր ձանձրացած. scared stiff մահու չափ վախեցած

    English-Armenian dictionary > stiff

  • 5 rigid

    1) (strict) [ rules] rigido, ferreo; [ controls] rigido, rigoroso, severo; [ timetable] rigido, rigoroso
    2) (inflexible) [person, attitude] rigido, rigoroso, inflessibile, severo
    3) (stiff) [ material] rigido

    to bore sb. rigid — colloq. annoiare a morte qcn

    * * *
    1) (completely stiff; not able to be bent (easily): An iron bar is rigid.) rigido
    2) (very strict, and not likely to change: rigid rules; rigid discipline; rigid views on education; a stern, rigid headmaster.) severo
    - rigidness
    - rigidity
    * * *
    rigid /ˈrɪdʒɪd/
    rigido ( anche fig.); duro; ( di persona) inflessibile: a rigid plastic box, una scatola di plastica rigida; rigid regulations, norme rigide, severe; You're too rigid in your thinking, sei troppo inflessibile nelle tue opinioni
    ● (aeron.) rigid airship, dirigibile rigido □ (edil.) rigid frame, telaio rigido □ to be rigid with terror, essere irrigidito dal terrore □ (fam.) to shake sb. rigid, paralizzare q. per la paura; ( anche) fare restare q. di stucco
    rigidly avv. rigidness n. [u].
    * * *
    1) (strict) [ rules] rigido, ferreo; [ controls] rigido, rigoroso, severo; [ timetable] rigido, rigoroso
    2) (inflexible) [person, attitude] rigido, rigoroso, inflessibile, severo
    3) (stiff) [ material] rigido

    to bore sb. rigid — colloq. annoiare a morte qcn

    English-Italian dictionary > rigid

  • 6 frozen

    frozen ['frəʊzən]
    1 pp of freeze
    (a) (ground, lake, pipes) gelé; (person) gelé, glacé;
    frozen peas petits pois mpl surgelés;
    the lake is frozen solid le lac est complètement gelé;
    my hands are frozen j'ai les mains gelées ou glacées;
    I'm frozen stiff je suis gelé jusqu'à la moelle (des os);
    figurative frozen with terror mort de peur
    (b) (credit, wages) gelé, bloqué; (currency, prices, assets) gelé; (account) bloqué
    ►► frozen food (in refrigerator) aliments mpl congelés; (industrially frozen) surgelés mpl;
    frozen food compartment congélateur m;
    Medicine frozen shoulder épaule f ankylosée;
    frozen yoghurt yaourt m glacé

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > frozen

  • 7 frozen

    frozen1 adj congelado
    frozen2 vb
    1→ link=freeze freeze{
    1 (water, ground) helado,-a
    2 (food) congelado,-a
    congelado, -a adj.
    helado, -a adj.
    (Participio pasivo de "to freeze")

    I 'frəʊzṇ
    a) ( solid) <water/pipe/lock> congelado
    c) ( extremely cold) (colloq)

    I was frozen stiffestaba congelado or como un témpano

    d) ( Culin) <vegetables/meat> congelado

    I stood there frozen (to the spot) with horror — me quedé allí clavado, paralizado por el terror

    2) ( Fin) <prices/incomes> congelado; <capital/credits> bloqueado
    PP of freeze
    2. ADJ
    1) [food] congelado

    I'm frozen stiff — estoy helado, estoy muerto de frío


    frozen assets NPL — (Econ) activo msing congelado

    frozen food compartment Ncompartimento m de congelación

    * * *

    I ['frəʊzṇ]
    a) ( solid) <water/pipe/lock> congelado
    c) ( extremely cold) (colloq)

    I was frozen stiffestaba congelado or como un témpano

    d) ( Culin) <vegetables/meat> congelado

    I stood there frozen (to the spot) with horror — me quedé allí clavado, paralizado por el terror

    2) ( Fin) <prices/incomes> congelado; <capital/credits> bloqueado

    English-spanish dictionary > frozen

  • 8 miedo

    miedo sustantivo masculino fear;
    ¡qué miedo pasamos! we were so frightened o scared!;
    temblaba de miedo he was trembling with fear; me da miedo salir de noche I'm afraid to go o of going out at night; miedo A algo/algn fear of sth/sb; el miedo a lo desconocido fear of the unknown; le tiene miedo a su padre he's scared o afraid of his father; miedo a salir a escena stage fright; agarrarle or (esp Esp) cogerle miedo a algo/algn to become frightened o scared of sth/sb; por miedo a for fear of; tener miedo to be afraid o frightened o scared; tiene miedo de caerse he's afraid he might fall; tengo miedo de que se ofenda I'm afraid he will take offense
    miedo sustantivo masculino
    1 (terror) fear, fright: me da miedo la oscuridad, I'm scared of the dark
    la película me metió miedo, the film frightened me
    temblaba de miedo, he was trembling with fear
    ¡mamá, tengo miedo!, mummy, I'm scared! ➣ Ver nota en fear
    2 (recelo, preocupación) concern: tiene miedo de suspender, he's worried that he will fail
    tengo miedo por ti, I'm worried about you ➣ Ver nota en afraid
    Locuciones: familiar de miedo: el agua está de miedo, the water is great ' miedo' also found in these entries: Spanish: cagarse - canillera - cundir - escénica - escénico - experimentar - gritar - inocuidad - meter - mucha - mucho - muerta - muerto - osada - osado - película - temer - temblar - temblor - temblorosa - tembloroso - tenebrosa - tenebroso - terrorífica - terrorífico - alarido - aprensión - campante - chillar - chillido - comunicar - contagiar - de - encoger - espanto - estremecer - estremecimiento - horror - infundir - invencible - morir - pasar - quitar - sostener - terror - vencer English: afraid - apprehension - be - bully - curdle - dark - death - dignity - eerie - evaporate - fear - fearfully - fearlessly - free - fright - frightened - lest - monster - numb - overcome - recoil - register - scandal - scare - scary - seize - sense - shiver - shock - sick - spasm - stage fright - stiff - strike - bear - betray - cower - petrified - scared - shake - stage - still - with

    English-spanish dictionary > miedo

См. также в других словарях:

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  • terrify — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. terrorize, frighten, alarm; appall, dismay; cow, intimidate; panic, stampede. See fear. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. shock, horrify, terrorize; see frighten 1 . See Synonym Study at frighten . III… …   English dictionary for students

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